Students still in school but have a passion for the equine industry?
We're committed to investing in the future of the New Zealand Thoroughbred Industry by providing opportunities for our young talent to pursue a path into the equine sector.
Equine Professional Development
Gateway Programme
If you are a student who are interested in horses and would like to use equine unit standards towards your NCEA achievements we can assist in providing the necessary contacts, resources, workbooks, assessments and support to ensure they achieve the required outcomes.
The New Zealand Equine Education Trust (NZEET) offers training through Gateway and STAR Programmes
We offer a range of equine unit standards that can be awarded for NCEA from grooming a horse through to identifying poisonous plants.
We provide equine unit standards to anybody who has a passion or interest in horses, not just harness racing.
We put together a Memorandum of Understanding between NZEET/NZTR, the school and the student. We can assist the student and co-ordinator in selection of unit standards in relation to level of learning.
We have the ability to source work experience placements for students if required.
Students are given excellent resources/workbooks with embedded literacy and numeracy.
Excellent support is available for students via email, Facebook, phone or they can attend fortnightly classes at established locations.
If a student has access to Facebook they will be added to a closed Gateway Group where they can post any queries and have access to additional information
Classes are led by experienced tutors with extensive equine background.
We put together a progress report for the schools Gateway Co-ordinator so they can follow and record the student’s achievements.
Once we are happy the student is competent in all elements of the unit standard, we will notify the school which can then register the credits under our provider code
Equine Training
A fantastic opportunity for horse lovers to commence a career capitalising on their passion for horses.
Industry training offered which enables trainees to learn while they earn.
The trainees work towards a NZQA level 2 and 3 qualification in Equine.
Industry training is offered through NZEET and we are the provider of relevant material for each unit standard.
Students are further supported with resources and workbooks with embedded numeracy and literacy.
Equine industry tutors, supported by specialist in their fields such as Veterinarians, farriers and equine dentists help deliver training.
There is a range of careers available in the equine industry including, harness racing driver or trainer, apprentice jockey, racing administrator, horse transport driver, farrier, veterinarian to name just a few. The opportunities and rewards for our top junior drivers and apprentice jockeys are amazing.
An ideal candidate for a career in the equine industry must be passionate about horses. He/she must be dedicated (there are early starts) and he/she must show initiative and must be willing to listen and learn. Working in the equine industry is immensely rewarding whatever the path you may choose.
Further Information
Sally Waters
Phone 027 494 2850